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S髮旺旺oft reds bring forth more pink than mauve in the everyday lip shimmer of Hemp Organics Ecstasy Lip Gloss. A delightful sheer and more neutral looking pink, the soft red undertones of Ecstasy will heightens your natural lip color. Pair with our Hemp Organics Crimson, or Scarlet Fire Lipstick and bring down the house! Go for it! You know you want to!
Hand-poured and made in small batches, our lip glosse髮旺旺s床的世界 (.32 oz/9.0g) begin with our signature USDA certified organic base of plant derived oils and waxes. hemp organics lip care products contain no fragrances, no synthetic preservatives, and no FD & C dyes. As a sustainable company who enjoys being cruelty-free, gluten free, paraben free, nanoparticle free, we encourage you to Go Ahead. Lick Your Lips.
Colorganics Inc., 麻類有機物潤唇膏,狂喜,0.32 盎司髮旺旺

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