寵物護理-NaturVet, 不吃苦! 無需咀嚼噴霧,8盎司(236毫升)床的世界
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如果你還在考慮NaturVet, 不吃苦! 無需咀嚼噴霧,8盎司(236毫升)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Stops Pets from Chewing On Furniture, Paws, Wounds, and More
- Hot Spots
- Summer Itch
- Sores
- Wounds
- Bandages
- Furniture
- Drapes
- Wood
- Paws
- Tails & Manes
- Bitter Yuck! may be sprayed over tropical medication
- Bitter Yuck! can be used on or around plants
Pets chew for various reasons: teething, exploration, separation anxiety, boredom and stress. Chewing is a natural animal behavior, so the goal is to effectively train your pet to chew on appropriate objects. be sure your pet has appropriate chewing toys.
How bitter Yuck! Works:
To most pets, Bitter Yuck! has an unappealing taste, making chewing on the particular sprayed object unpleasant and decreasing the unwanted behavior. Due to the complexities of taste preferences and behavior issues, results may vary. It is important to monitor your pet's reaction to Bitter Yuck!. Be sure your pet is deterred by the taste before leaving them alone with the object being sprayed.
NaturVet, 不吃苦! 無需咀嚼噴霧,8盎司(236毫升)

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